Walnut Creek Greenway Trail
I bicycled from my house to the Walnut Creek section of the Raleigh Greenway system last week. I picked the trail up off of Lake Wheeler Road near the State Farmer's Market. The greenway trail, as always, is a fun way to tour and get an alternate view of your city, and many routes run through wooded areas and travel through low lying land along streams which also happen to be the backyards of industrial areas in some cases. The Walnut Creek trail was pretty desolate when I rode midday on a Saturday, and although I enjoyed the scenery, I kept a pretty quick pace. The greenway does have a few unlit tunnels that do make the route feel a little sketchy.Architect Frank Harmon designed the Wetlands Center which is just off the greenway, and adjacent to the start of the Little Rock Trail that heads to downtown passing through Chavis Park along the way. Not too much to see at the wetlands center. The trails are yet to be built, but you can tour a portion of the site on the greenway, which has a good views of the marshy lowlands.